Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones is calling for residents of Lincolnshire to share their views on how Lincolnshire is policed.
The annual Crime and Policing Survey gives residents the opportunity to voice their opinion on how police services in Lincolnshire are prioritised and delivered. In previous years the views expressed have been the driving force behind significant positive changes in Lincolnshire’s Police services, including investment in dedicated roads and rural crime units, increased officer numbers and improved technology.
Lincolnshire Police has always been one of the lowest funded in the country, and now that unfair level of funding, coupled with rising costs and dwindling reserves means the force potentially faces having to find up to £17.5million worth of cost savings next year. That is a monumental challenge and, without additional funding, would result in the Chief Constable facing some extremely difficult operational decisions. This means that your views on funding, council tax and safety in your communities are now more important than ever before.
Please click here to fill in the survey: https://habit5research.questionpro.eu/lincs-crime-and-policing-survey-2024?custom2=Partnernewsletters