Minutes of the meeting of Folkingham Parish Council held on 21 November 2024
Present: Cllr Catherine Lack, Cllr Lucy Robb, Cllr Hannah Weston Smith, Cllr Martin Smith
Also Present: Nicky Bush (Clerk), Cllr Murray Turner (SKDC), Cllr Martin Hill (LCC)
Public Forum: Four members of the public
One resident asked about the tree survey as he had seen the contractor checking and marking the trees, it was confirmed the report was to be discussed later. A resident asked about the Village statement group and Village design statement group as they had made objections to his planning application, reporting to represent the residents. Councillors are aware of a historic group, but not aware they are still in existence and suggest it may have been one of the previous members using the group name so as not to reveal their identity.
Meeting started 7.15 pm
24/196 Chair’s remarks.
Cllr C Lack confirmed that this is her last meeting as she will shortly be moving out of the village. She was thanked for her hard work as a councillor and for leading the parish council as the Chair.
24/197 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllr Anne Booth, gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.
24/198 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
24/199 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 19-09-24 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chair.
24/200 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 17-11-24.
Date |
Source of Income |
Total Amount |
09/10/2024 |
Interest |
0.41 |
11/10/2024 |
Fairall - Plot 9 rent and key deposit |
29.00 |
14/10/2024 |
SKDC - Waste |
463.32 |
11/11/2024 |
Interest |
8.40 |
Total |
501.13 |
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
18/09/2024 |
J Kirbby Grass cutting 18/09/24 |
105.00 |
26/10/2024 |
NSH recycling - Skip hire 26/10/24 |
520.00 |
01/11/2024 |
Charington Tree Services - tree assessment |
720.00 |
01/11/2024 |
Wilkin Chapman - Pavillion change over |
569.00 |
15/11/2024 |
J Kirby Grass cutting Oct /Nov |
415.00 |
21/11/2024 |
Clerk payroll |
320.40 |
17/11/2024 |
C Hasset Litter Picking Oct/Nov 24 |
169.00 |
21/11/2024 |
Folkingham Village Hall |
30.00 |
Total |
2848.40 |
The clerk confirmed that all but £1,000.00, has been transferred from the Natwest account and moved into the savings account.
Bank Balances
Lloyds Treasurers account £ 4,286.37
Lloyds Savings account £13,541.76
Natwest account £ 1,000.00
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment.
The actual expenditure was reviewed against the budget to date.
Lloyds bank have written to say that our account will be changing to a Community account with will have a cost of £4.25 per month with an allowance for the number of online transactions that can be made before any further charges are incurred.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.
24/202 Planning:
S24/1789 – Replacement of UPVC rear windows and entrance door with timber units, 9A Market Place, Folkingham
No comments or concerns
Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept
24/203 Correspondence
Email - Weekly planning |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Newsletter |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Confirmation of devolution for Lincolnshire |
Email - Household battery collections starting in South Kesteven |
Email - Details of biodiversity agreement |
Email - Free parking to support business |
Email - Surplus defibs to Ukraine |
Lincs Reservoir |
Email - Update on timeline |
Lloyds bank |
Mail - Changes to rates and savings accounts |
Community connector |
Email - Newsletter |
Email - Pension credit |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Traffic restrictions |
Community Connector |
Email - Newsletter |
Lincs Wildlife Park |
Email - Golden oldies flyer |
Email - Make more space for nature |
Email - Anti-social behaviour powers renewed and refreshed |
Email - Flood action week |
Email - Views sought on Wyndham Park |
Email - Popular cinema celebrates in style |
Email - Tree planting guide |
Email - Teamwork tackles anti-social behaviour |
Email - Local Stakeholder workshops |
Lloyds Bank |
Email - Regarding change to bank account |
Resident |
Email - Regarding planning for Bourne Road - Wood Cabins |
Email - Feedback sought on new car park charges |
Email - Working together to help the homeless |
Action: None.
24/204 Clerks report.
Pavilion |
Tree survey |
Allotment 9 |
Online Banking |
Aveland History Group |
Councillor resignation |
Action: None
24/205 Appointment of vice/chair
Following discussion and as one councillor was not present it was resolved that the councillors will rotate taking the meetings for the time being. The Clerk to establish whether this is an acceptable method.
Actions: Clerk to investigate whether this method is acceptable.
24/206 Updates from LCC/SKDC
Cllr Martin Hill reported that LCC should receive their allowance following the budget before Christmas. As the bus fare cap is going up to £3 they are looking to see if they can subsidise the increase. Although the NI increase will not affect the Council, some of their services are contracted out and so there will be an impact on the cost of services provided.
Flooding section 31 reports are being put together from the recent floods which will look at the causes and who is responsible for any action required
Cllr MS asked about the progress on the signs for Spring lane which Cllr MH said he would chase up
Cllr Murray Turner reported that Stamford has recently won the most popular high street in the UK, redevelopment works have begun and there has been approval for 120 car park spaces
Action: Clerk to send details of application for the phone box to Cllr MT to follow up on
24/207 Pavilion/CCTV –
The Clerk confirmed that the Pavilion is now registered under the Parish Council, however there is an address on the Land Registry from which is unknown. Councillors confirmed that it is the address of a past Chair, and it was resolved that the clerk would query this with the solicitors. Work on the pavilion is underway and should be finished in the next couple of weeks.
Action: Clerk to query the address with the solicitors.
24/208 Playing field/Allotments
Cllr LR confirmed that the Brocklesby Trust have now sorted out their issues with banking and have asked for the costs to be resubmitted and then it should go through. Wayne has now fixed the taps at the allotments and plot no 9 has now changed tenants.
Following discussion, it was resolved that the allotment rents would go up to £5.00 per month and that the deposit going forward would be increased to £100, as this will then cover costs if the allotments are left in a mess, as has happened recently.
Action: Clerk to notify tenants and send out invoices for 2025
24/209 Neighbourhood plan
Moving ahead, had a meeting and finding policies in other villages that can be adapted.
Action: None
24/210 Noticeboard
The noticeboard in the Market Place needs serious attention, it was resolved that Cllr HWS would speak to Wayne and we would also look at funding options for replacement. As this is a conservation area it will need to be like for like replacement. Cllr HWS will send details to the clerk of a replacement.
Action:. Cllr HWS to speak to Wayne regarding temporary repairs and send details to clerk regarding replacement so that funding can be researched.
24/211 Tree review and agree actions
The councillors reviewed the tree survey, and it was resolved to accept the quote from Charrington Tree services for 2 days work to remove the dead ash trees. Other works will be reviewed once this has been done.
Action: Clerk to notify Charrington Tree services.
24/212 Agreeing 2025/26 precept budget
Each line of the budget was reviewed and agreed for the coming year. Budget expenditure of £15,970, revenue of £1,601 and the precept of £14,369. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously voted that the precept request would be for £14,369.
Action: Clerk to submit precept request to SKDC
24/213 Other village matters.
Cllr MS raised the new access for the ford, one side is a ramp and the other is steps which is not suitable for wheelchair users. He noticed that there may be a ramp under the grass on the side where the steps are and suggested looking to see if the grass could be cleared to expose the ramp. John Kirby agreed to go and have a look as he has the equipment to clear this.
Cllr HWS proposed that as has been done in the past a donation of £100 be paid to the charity of choice of the outgoing Chair/Councillor, this was seconded by Cllr MS and all councillors were in favour. Cllr CL to let the clerk know of her choice of charity
Action: J Kirby to investigate the ramp and Clerk to make charity donation.
Date of next meeting: 16 January 2024 7.00 pm
To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following two confidential staffing and legal matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
It was resolved to go into a closed session and the public left the meeting
24/214 Co-option of Councillor
Robert Broadbent remained behind and following resolution was co-opted as Councillor and completed the necessary paperwork
Action: Clerk to submit details to SKDC and set up Cllr Robert Broadbent on the systems.
Meeting Closed 8.30 pm
Signed: (In the chair)