Minutes of the meeting of Folkingham Parish Council held on 19th September 2024

Present:                               Cllr Catherine Lack, Cllr Lucy Robb, Cllr Martin Smith

Also Present:                     Nicky Bush (Clerk), Cllr Murray Turner (SKDC)

Public Forum:                    Four members of the public were in attendance

The owners of the proposed glamping site gave an overview of what they are proposing.

A resident asked about the Pavillion as the football club that were interested are now going to Helpringham, he also raised concerns about potential developments to a field locally.


Meeting started 7.30 pm


24/179 Chair’s remarks.  - None


24/180 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllrs Nickey Pretty, Anne Booth and Hannah Weston Smith gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.

24/181 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


24/182 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 11-07-24 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


24/183 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 09-01-24.



Source of Income

Total Amount





Allotment rent/dposit Mclean













Purpose of Expenditure

Total Amount


Natwest bank charges



Natwest bank charges



J K Cutting Services 0033



Soft Surfaces Ltd - roundabout repair



Folkingham Village Hall 11/07/24



JK Cutting Services 037



Natwest bank charges



Allotment refund Price



N Bush - Stamps



ROSPA - Inspection



JK Cutting Services 039



EON - Pavilion Electricity  July 24



FVH = Wase contribution



EON Pavillion Electricity Aug 24



Folkingham Village Hall 19/09/24



J Kirby - Grass cutting 05/09/24



Wave - water bill



Clerk payroll



C Hasset Litter Picking Aug/Sept 24







£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


£750 transferred from Natwest account to Lloyds account


Bank Balances

Lloyds Treasurers account     £  3510.88

Lloyds Savings account            £     503.95

Natwest account                      £17,052.32

The clerk reported that an additional invoice has come in from J Kirby for £105.00.  It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment and the additional invoice for J Kirby. 

The actual expenditure was reviewed against the budget to date.

The clerk reported that she had received a letter from PKF the auditors stating that they had not received the exemption report which was responded to stating the date that it was published on line and submitted to then on 23-05-24.  Confirmation of exemption has now been received.

Action: Clerk to make payments.


24/184 Planning:

S24/1404 – 6 Bourne Road – Proposed use of holiday let as a residential annex in addition to use as holiday let

No objections or comments

S24/1419 – Low Farm, Spring Lane – Refurbishment/repair works to exterior of the farmhouse and outbuildings within its curtilage

No comments or concerns

S24/1401 and 1402 – Low Farm, Spring Lane – Proposed re-roofing and installation of new in-line PV panels to the existing outbuilding and clubhouse

While we support renewable generation, we feel we must object to this based on:

  1. The farm outbuildings are integral to the context of the Grade II listed farmhouse. They are an important heritage asset and these elevations are public in that they face into a key area of the campsite.
  2. Placing modern black solar panels on the visible tiled roofs of historic buildings compromises their historic integrity. All proposed roofs are visible. Allowing them here will set a precedent for panels to be added to the front of all historic buildings in the village.
  3. Instead of applying panels to the historic buildings, it is suggested that ground solar panels could be accommodated within the land area of Low Farm.
  4. No objection to the reroofing.

S24/1373 and 1374 – 29 Market Place – Demolition of existing conservatory, installation of rooflights to the existing rear extension and internal alterations

We support reinstating railings to the front provided they are in keeping with the area which they appear to, repointing (already done!) and adding a more appropriate fanlight to replace the plate glass one.

We support the removal of the conservatory, to reveal the building and converting a rear single-story outbuilding to utility with fanlights to the welsh slate roof.

S24/1451 – the Old Workhouse, 8 West Street – Trees in conservation area

No objection but the following comment.

Felling some small trees in the rear garden of the old Workhouse. There is no real explanation for their removal and they seem healthy trees. On those grounds it is regrettable to be losing them, but they are not visible to the public, so won't affect the wider village


Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept


24/185 Correspondence


Email - Weekly planning

Lincs County Council

Email - Newsletter


Email - Affordable food hub


Email - Contaminated land consultation

Lincs Police

Email - Safer together team newsletter

Lincs Police

Email - Parish Briefing update


Email - Invite to attend Parish/Town Council forums 2024

Call Connect

Email - Service over the bank holiday

Lincs County Council

Email - Local nature recovery strategy for Greater Lincolnshire


Email - Proposed Council Tax Support Scheme 2025/26


Email - Make space for nature biodiversity


Email - SK community awards 2024


Email - Central Lincolnshire authority wide design code consultation

Lincs County Council

Email - Traffic restrictions Market Place


Email - Details of Op Ford for councillors

Lincs County Council

Email - Getting grit ready


It was resolved that we would request a bag of grit from Lincs County Council


Action: Clerk to request grit bag.


24/186 Clerks report.


  • Solicitor sent documents which were signed and returned.  Chased for progress report, confirmation received that is was submitted but the estimated completion date is 26th Nov 24


  • Received confirmation of exempt status

Phone box

  • Funding researched

Tree survey

  • Received two quotes to log and assess all trees

Grass Cutting

  • Resident responded to.

Cllr MT suggested the Morison foundation fund may be suitable for funding either the phone box or pavillion works.

Action: None


24/187 Updates from LCC/SKDC

There is still 1 million in the UKSPF fund which has to be spent by the end of March.  Cllr Murray advised that any application previously sent but not agreed be queried as to why and applications put in for any other projects that may be suitable.

Cllr Murray is now the chairman of the Culture and Leisure department and they have brought in a new play area strategy for those that they are responsible for and is also looking at putting a fund together for the parishes where the district are not responsible enabling them to apply for funds to help support their play areas

SKDC has renewed the licences in the three leisure centres that they run and are trying to get the Deeping leisure centre back open again


24/188 Playing field

Pavilion/CCTV –

Documentation received from the solicitors, which was returned and submitted to HMLR on 25th July, it has been given an estimated completion date of 26th November 2025, it was resolved that the clerk would check to see if this should say 2024.

Concerns were raised about the deterioration of the building, particularly because the gutter is leaking.  It was resolved that Cllr MS would contact Wayne to go and look at it and any other immediate works.  A budget of up to £2,000 was agreed so as not to delay the work being done until after the November meeting.







The clerk confirmed that four residents have asked to be added to the waiting list since the last meeting and there are now 11 people on the waiting list.  Allotment ten has now changed hands and we are awaiting the surrender of allotment nine.  It was resolved that the councillors will look at the area to see if there is room to extend the allotment area to increase the number of plots due to such high demand.

Cllr CL and LR agreed to assess the area and feedback at the next meeting so that any works for this can be included in the budget for 2025/26.

It was resolved that the Clerk would look at the agreement and the rents for next year with a view to ensuring the plots are used and not neglected.

Play area

The ROSPA inspection was carried out in August and Cllr LR outlined the actions, most of which are minor.  She will obtain some replacement caps for the bolts, and it was resolved J Kirby would put weed killer around the posts so that they do not need strimming.  A working party was agreed to deal with the small items such as replacing caps. It was commented that one of the gates should be locked however this is in contrast to last years report telling us to remove the lock. It was resolved that the clerk would raise this with Playsafety Limited.

Cllr LR is still awaiting a decision on the funding for the new benches

Action: Clerk to contact Playsafety Limited and Cllr LR to obtain the bolt covers


24/189 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr MS is trying to get a meeting with John Belcher, he has a plan drafted but has not had feedback as yet from the others initially involved

Action: None


24/190 Tree management plan

The Clerk confirmed that she has been in touch with two local companies and obtained quotes for logging and assessing all of the trees in the Parish areas.  It was resolved to accept the quotation from Charrington Tree Services Ltd for £600 plus VAT to log and identify the trees in the Parish Council areas of responsibility and report on their condition and advise of any works needed.

Action:. Clerk to notify Charrington tree services that the quote has been accepted.


24/191 Lincolnshire minerals and waste local plan - consultation

Cllr MS agreed to look at this.  Cllr MT confirmed it is an update of the existing plan.

Action:. Cllr MS to look at the consultation and respond if necessary


24/192 Central Lincolnshire design code - consultation

Cllrs MS confirmed that he had looked at this and made comment

Action: None


24/193 Proposed glamping site

The proposer of the site gave an overview of what they are planning to do.  They have put in a pre-application and are currently working through the advice given by the planning department. It will be a franchise for Secret Garden Glamping.

Action: None


24/194 Other village matters.

The recent event, Folkingham Remembers WWII, put on by Aveland History society was a huge success and a wonderful event, and it was resolved that a letter of thanks be sent to them for organizing it in the village.


Concerns were raised regarding hedges on either side of the back lane that are encroaching on the road and making it difficult for two vehicles to pass in the  area.  Location details to be passed to Cllr MT who will speak to the residents.


Action: Clerk to write to Aveland History Society


24/195  Co-option of Councillor

The Clerk confirmed that still no applications have been received and it was agreed that the Councillors would approach people directly to see if they would be interested.


Action: None.



Meeting Closed 8.30 pm


Date of next meeting:  21 November 2024 7.00 pm






Signed:                                                                                                    (In the chair)