March 2019 Minutes

held on Thursday 21st March 2019
Item Action
1 Welcome & Chair's Remarks
The meeting commenced at 1930.  
The Chair – Cllr Weston Smith (HWS), welcomed those present: FPC Councillors - Vice Chair Richard 
Clark (RC), Lucy Robb (LR) and The Clerk (EW).  Also present were 2 members of the public. 
2 Apologies were received from Cllr Mike King (SKDC). It was noted that Cllr Hansen has resigned from 
her position as FPC Cllr since our last meeting.
3 Declarations – There were no declarations of interest.
4 Public Questions 
a) A member of the public asked if there was any progress in removing the hedge at the edge of the 
playing field as the football club were still losing a lot of footballs.  Cllr RC replied that the football club 
had asked that this be delayed until the end of the season.
b) A member of the public commented that he had noted that the matter of the grit bin located on what 
he considers to be his land on the grass verge on Chapel Lane had yet again been discussed at the last
PC meeting.  He stated that he was surprised to see it discussed again as he “thought the matter was 
over”.  The member of the public stated that he had received legal advice that suggested LCC “does not
have a leg to stand on”. The Chair stated that the matter was discussed as it related to a contentious 
village matter and thanked the member of the public for his update.
There being no further public questions the chair advised that this section of the meeting was 
closed and members of the public were no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so. 
5 Notes of the last meeting held on 31st January 2019
The Notes of the last meeting were approved as the minutes.
6 Matters Arising – It was noted that at the last meeting the possibility of creating a Neighbourhood Plan 
for the village had been discussed but that FPC had requested more information before making a 
decision.  Cllr King added that he had made enquiries for a speaker to attend the next two FPC 
meetings – on 16th May and 11th July and pointed out that training is also available. The Chair thanked 
Cllr King for his support in this matter.
7 Updates from LCC/SKDC
Cllr King provided the following update from SKDC:
• SKDC have set up several 'arms length' companies – including SKEnvironment. The company 
offers a private sector approach for services such as grass cvutting.  As Government funding 
stops there is a need for the DC to raise money through other initiatives.
• SKDC have purchased the former Cummins factory in Stamford for employment/housing use.
• The new cinema in Grantham is finished and is being fitted out. It is hoped it will open in 
Cllr Hill arrived at 1945 and provided the following update from LCC:
• Cllr Hill had received correspondence from a village resident regarding the poor road surface on
the A15 at the South end of the village.  It was noted that Cllr Hill has written to the individual 
concerned informing him that this section of road is on the list to be done and will be completed 
in time.
• It was also noted that it had been agreed by LCC to temporarily remove the disputed grit bin on 
Chapel Lane during the summer months whilst the dispute is ongoing.  The position of the grit 
bin is still in dispute as the landowner adjacent to the position still believes it is on his land.  The
situation continues to be complex as Land Registry is reliant on maps dating back to 1905, it is 
a grey area requiring further clarification  The individual concerned has been written to and 
informed that whilst an alternative position will be sought, it will be returned in the winter if no 
suitable alternative position can be found. FPC confirmed to Cllr Hill that the Grit Bin on Chapel 
Lane is absolutely vital to the safety of residents, preferably in its current position - which is 
ideally suited to deal with the overspill from the underground stream. FPC requested that Cllr 
Hill take their position on this matter into consideration.  Cllr Hill agreed.
• LCC hope to increase the frequency of verge cutting in the upcoming year and that gulleys will 
be cleared at least once per year – with LCC having the power to contact landowners if 
◦ This prompted a discussion regarding the gully in the Millennium Green as the Chair asked 
whose responsibility this was.  Cllr Hill answered that it is a District Council matter and that 
they are aware that it needs to be dug out.  Cllr King added that it is accepted that this 
particular pipeline was added many years ago and is no longer adequate and that ongoing  
investigation is required.
8 Upcoming Parish Council Elections
The Clerk reminded Councillors that if they wish to stand for re-election they must submit a nomination 
paper to the DC offices in Grantham by 4pm on Wednesday 3rd April 2019.  It was noted that although 
FPC now have 3 vacancies following the resignation of Cllr Hansen, 2 potential candidates had come 
forward to express an interest and would hopefully be submitted nomination forms.  It was also noted 
that less than 7 nominations would result in an uncontested election but that should FPC receive more 
nominations than the 7 required councillors, an election would be required, which would be held at the 
same time as the District Council Elections (unless these are also uncontested.)  The Clerk only 
receives details of nominees after the closing date but that this entire process will be complete by the 
May meeting.  
9 Traffic Calming 
• The 3 'gateways' have now been received but there has been an issue with getting them 
installed.  Chair to investigate finding appropriately authorised contractors. The Council's 
contractor had declined to take on the work.  Cllr Hill to follow up on behalf of FPC.
• Existing 30 mph 'passive' signs have fallen and the new signs will be put up as soon as 
possible.  Clerk to chase the new speed restriction signs as this has now been outstanding for 
some time.  All 30 mph passive speed signs to be placed on West Street for this round.
• Reports of school buses dropping off oon the wrong side of the road have been reported. Chair
to follow up.
• Residents are asked to record vehicle registrations and details of frequent speeding offenders 
in order to report the details to Bourne&
10 Playing Field
Two new bins have been ordered for the playing field – one for within the play area and the other for the
picnic bench area.
11 Grass Cutting
Nothing to report.
12 Allotments
There is currently 1 vacant plot.  Interested residents should contact the Clerk.
13 Village Green
There will be a replacement tree planted soon as a result of a dead/damaged one being removed earlier
in the year.  Another tree near Hansen's also fell recently and will be removed shortly.
14 Folkingham Flyer
The next issue will be planned for May/June – any suggestions for articles should be submitted to Cllr 
Clark.  The Fayre will be held on 13th July with proceeds being shared between FPC, the Millennium 
Green Committee and the Village Hall Committee.
15 Planning
The Chair noted that she had been approached by someone wanting to be involved in the creation of a 
Neighbourhood Plan.  It was noted that people should be advised that a speaker is to attend the next 
meeting on 16th May.
16 Finance
a. All payments reviewed
b. All payments approved
17 Training Update
The Chair reminded all Councillors of the need to be proactive in attending the training available for 
members.  The Chair asked all Councillors to consider the available dates and to try to attend a 
Councillor training session as soon as possible. The Clerk noted that available training dates are 
forwarded to Councillors as they are released from LALC and that requests to attend should be made 
via herself.
18 Correspondence
A request for the Clerk's handwritten notes from the November meeting by a member of the public has 
been declined under FOI guidelines as the typed notes were already available at the time of the request
which negates any requirements to fulfil this request – particularly as handwritten notes would usually 
be destroyed after they are agreed as the minutes under the FPC data protection policy. The same 
member of the public has since submitted another similar request for information pertaining to the 
matter of the disputed grit bin in Chapel Lane and their request will be dealt with under FOI guidelines. EW
19 Next meeting confirmed as 16st May 2019 – This will be the AGM and will therefore commence at 
7pm.  The Parish Council Meeting will commence immediately after the close of the AGM
20 Any Other Business
• There will a skip for the use of Folkingham Parishioners on Saturday 13th April 2019.
• Following the resignation of Cllr Hansen after 4 years of service, the Chair proposed a charity 
donation of £25 to the 3 Counties Dog Rescue in support of Cllr Hansen's work for the Parish 
Council.   This was unanimously agreed.  
21 Close - There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:20
NB: The record of proceedings are 'Notes' until they are approved as the 'Minutes' at the 
next Parish Council Meeting.