September 2019 Minutes

Folkingham Parish Council


held on Thursday 19th September 2019



  1. Welcome & Chairwoman’s Remarks

The meeting commenced at 19.31

The Chairwoman – Cllr Hannah Weston Smith (HWS), welcomed those present.  FPC Cllrs Richard Clark (RC), Lucy Robb (LR), Anne Booth (AB) and Cath Lack (CL) were also present, along with the Clerk (EW), SKDC Cllr Jan Hansen and 3 members of the public.

The Chairwoman welcomed newly co-opted Councillor Cath Lack.  Cllr Lack signed her acceptance of office under witness of the council.


  1. Apologies – Apologies were received from Cllr Dean Sturrock.


  1. Declarations of Interest - There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Public Questions
    1. A member of the public commented that dog fouling continues to cause issues on the playing field.

Following a brief discussion, it was noted that:

  • Dog fouling is No. 1 on every Parish Councils issues list.
  • New signs should be ordered and placed in the most appropriate places – the member of the public concerned was asked if he would help by placing the signs where he feels they would have the best impact.

It was agreed:

  • New signs would be purchased and installed.

There were no further questions from the public.




  1. Notes of the Parish Meeting held on 11th July 2019
    1. The notes of the Parish meeting were approved as the minutes with one amendment:
      • Cllr Hansen requested some changes to be made to the notes.  He requested that the notes on item 7 be amended to reflect that he did not attend a planning committee but rather an induction for planning.




  1. Matters Arising

It was noted that the Complaint received and noted in the minutes from 11th July had been addressed and that this would be covered in item 17) Correspondence.


  1. Updates from LCC/SKDC

SKDC Cllr Jan Hansen provided an update and the following was noted:

  • SKDC CEO has left with the reason not disclosed.  Paul Thomas is now acting CEO. The Leader of Council has resigned.
  • Mill Cottage scaffold has been replaced, further actions are in the hands of the lawyers now – it is likely to be a long time before a resolution is found.
  • Bourne Cicle (sic) festival was a great success and is likely to be repeated.
  • The ‘Big Clean’ initiative will happen again – Folkingham will be in November.
  • Policing – a council meeting proposed looking into police funding.  Cllr Hansen asked the Chief Constable about it, who replied the Police Service is £11m/£12m underfunded in Lincolnshire.  Unequal compared to other counties.
  • In Toller Ward some serious concerns about some youngsters’ behaviour raised (not particularly in Folkingham) but managed well by Police.


  1. Traffic Calming Update
    1. Archers survey completed – results are in.  Outside Village hall and on West St.  Cllr Weston Smith read out the results to those present, which have been reproduced in these notes directly from the report provided.  Results are detailed below:

A15 Folkingham

  • The technical data recording equipment was located near Spring Lane and commenced on 20th July, it continued for a full seven-day period.  A daily average of 4634 vehicles travelled through the survey area with a fairly even flow in each direction. Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles was 30.5 MPH and an 85th percentile speed of 36.7MPH.  The speed data showed some evidence that vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action/ prosecution by the Police. This compares to the previous survey in 2014 when the flow was 4350/day at an average speed of 30.4MPH

 West Street Folkingham

  • The technical data recording equipment was located near Low Farm Drive and again commenced on 20th July, it continued for a full seven-day period.  A daily average of 1131 vehicles travelled through the survey area with a fairly even flow in each direction. Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles was 27.2 MPH and an 85th percentile speed of 32.4 MPH.  The speed data showed some evidence that vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action/ prosecution by the Police.

There were no recorded collisions involving personal injury for the last 3-year period up to a data date of 31/05/19.

Highways engineers within the Road Safety Partnership have assessed the area and (advise) that no engineering casualty reduction measures were identified.

It was noted:

  • Having identified that the LRSP cannot use camera technology to enforce the speed limits within Folkingham, the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire has extended the powers of PCSO's to include those of being able to enforce speed limits and the level of enforcement is now increasing as a result. In addition, Community Speed Watch Scheme operated by the LRSP has been extended to include Speed watch volunteers carrying out checks.
  • Cllr Booth asked if the last survey had been carried out at the same time of year as this one.  Cllr Weston Smith to check. 
  • Cllr Weston Smith had asked about emergency vehicles travelling through these measured areas which may have affected the data but was advised that the data was not available.
  • It is useful to now have ‘hard data’ to provide to residents.

It was agreed:

  • As previously discussed, and agreed, the Passive speed signs will be placed on the A15 stretch of the village now that measurement is over.
  • Cllr Weston Smith to follow up on the LRSP Speed Watch Volunteer initiative.
























  1. Playing Field

It was noted:

  • RoSPA annual safety inspection had identified maintenance works required as follows:
    • New bushels required on swings
    • Guarding around the base of wooden supports required to prevent strimmer damage.

It was agreed:

  • Cllr Robb to arrange for the issues to be resolved asap.






  1. Grass Cutting

It was noted:

  • Grass cutting needs to be addressed on the field re RFFC use and their own cuts.
  • Maps of responsibility should be available online to allow residents to know who to contact.
  • There is lots of talk on Folkingham Friends and Family Facebook about wild flowering areas – Chair looking into how to ensure it is done properly.  When guidance is obtained, permission will need to be sought from the Council.
  • Tree overlooking footpath at bottom of Churchfields is overgrowing onto the path.  It is acceptable for this to be cut back in line with their fence within causing issue.
  • Trees near the post-box on Walcot Lane are causing an issue.  Residents are reminded that if they have ‘adopted’ areas near the footpath they must maintain them to ensure trees/foliage does not encroach the footpaths or road.
  • Foliage/shrubbery at the bottom of Chapel Lane is again obstructing the road – HWS to try to get contact details of landowners.








  1. Allotments

It was noted:

  • The new supporting posts for the damaged fencing are now in place.
  • 2 people are on the waiting list for the next available plots.
  • Invoices for 2020 rent are due out soon.

It was agreed:

  • Following the recent complaint surrounding the allocation of allotments, the Council agreed that it should be officially noted that no resident be allowed more than one plot and that FPC would take responsibility for ensuring the basic maintenance of vacant plots in future to avoid them becoming overgrown.


Cllr Hill arrived at 19.57

Cllr Hill apologised for arriving late and it was noted that he had come from another Parish Council meeting and would have to leave after his update to attend another. 

  1. The Chair thanked Cllr Hill for attending and invited Cllr him to provide his update from LCC at this point on the agenda.
    • Grantham bypass – the link to the A1 will result in some closures for a while.  The target to complete the first phase is 2021.
    • The LCC website is being upgraded to be more user friendly.  A preview of the site is viewable at with feedback welcomed
    • The best place to report potholes is still
    • New contractors for Highways have been appointed. A handover period is upcoming.
  2. Cllr Hill was asked for clarification on the following local issues:
    • Several residents have asked about the required hedge cutting by landowners on roadside verges as it had been noted that it is not currently possible to see the speed limit sign at the South end of the village and the overgrowth is causing issues with farmers and high sided vehicles.  The landowners have all been written to and most have complied if they had not already done so. The issue and responsibility lie with the homeowner.  At least one Folkingham landowner has argued that there are still nesting birds preventing the hedge cutting.    
    • Several residents had asked for an update regarding the removed Grit Bin on Chapel Lane as winter approaches.  Cllr Hill stated that it is his understanding that the grit bin will be reinstated in its original position.

Cllr Hill was thanked for his attendance and left at 20.07

  1. Village Green - Nothing to report


  1. Folkingham Flyer & 2019 Feastival

2019 Feastival

It was noted:

  • The combined efforts of the Craft Fair and the Feastival had made a £1576.99 profit after expenditure – a record breaking village event.
  • These profits would be divided between the Millennium Green Committee, Folkingham Parish Council and Folkingham Village Hall - £525.66 each
  • Very good reports received from everyone who attended.
  • It has been agreed that the event will be repeated on 11th July 2020.

Folkingham Flyer

It was noted:

  1. Cllr Clerk is still waiting for photographs of all the Councillors to put in the next edition.  It was requested that these were provided within 2 weeks.
  2. The next edition would include the following (amongst other things):
    • Feastival 2019 results and 2020 date
    • 2018/19 Financial summary
    • Speeding survey outcomes. 
    • Dog waste bags competition. 










  1. Planning

It was noted:

  • S19/1239 - Application for single story rear extension at 64 West Street
  • S19/1234 - Application for full planning permission for a two-story studio/workshop and residential accommodation (variation of S17/2286) at 3 Low Farm Drive.
  • S19/0977 – Outline permission granted for dwelling at 43 West Street





  1. Finance

It was noted:

  • A grant application from the Church has been received.  The Church would like to replace the existing sodium floodlights with LED ones to save on running costs.  The application is for £300 (including electrician).
  • Cllr West Smith added that she had supported them by arranging for a quote which had been very reasonable at around £100 - not including an electrician. 

Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that:

  • FPC would like a breakdown of costs and will consider covering a proportion of the hardware costs
  • FPC would like to see details of the grass cutting costs for audit trail purposes – an invoice for example.



  1. All payments and receipts were reviewed.
  2. All payments were approved.







  1. Training Update


Cllrs Weston Smith and Clark attended Councillor training on 18th September and found it very valuable.  Cllr Weston Smith asked the other Councillors to consider their availability and arrange a booking via the Clerk. 


All Cllrs

  1. Correspondence
    1. Complaints regarding overgrown garden at the Bungalow on the corner of Walcot Lane.  The Estate Agent had been contacted and will talk to the owner re Ragwort.  No response yet. 
    2. Regarding an official complaint against the Clerk regarding the way the allocation of an allotment plot was handled and the Council’s subsequent decision to over-rule the original agreement to allow one resident to have 2 plots following a new application:
      • The FPC Complaints Procedure was followed and the complainant has been responded to in line with this. Parts of this complaint were upheld. To prevent future issues as previously noted, it was now officially agreed that no resident should have more than one allotment and that FPC will maintain any vacant plots to prevent them becoming overgrown.  
      • The same complaint also criticised the management and content of the FPC website – this part of the complaint was not upheld.
    3. A complaint received about noise at the Feastival had later been redacted by the complainant.
    4. A complaint about FPCs handling of speeding in the village and the location of passive speed signs will be responded to by the Chair.



  1. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 21st November 2019 at 7.30pm

It was agreed that:

  • Notes will be published within 28 days of the meeting – by 17th October
  • The Agenda will be published at least 3 full days in advance of the next meeting – by 16th November. 
  • Items to be added to the agenda must be provided to the Clerk no later than 7 days before the meeting.


  1. Any Other Business

It was noted that:

  • The Parish Children’s Christmas Party will be held on 7th December.  A Grant application will be submitted at the next meeting.
  • The next village Skip will be on 19th October – help to monitor was requested from 8-11am.  Several Councillors volunteered.

It was agreed that:

  • Following advice at the LALC Councillor Training recently attended by Cllr Weston Smith and Cllr Clark, this item will be removed from the agenda in future.








  1. Close

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.36