November 2022 Meeting NOTES

held on Thursday 17 November 2022 at 7.30pm

Members of the public could submit questions, in advance, by emailing


1. Welcome and introductions: Apologies from Cllr. Booth
2. Declarations of interest: None
3. Public Questions: Questions were raised regarding CCTV (playing field), budgeting and yearly internal auditing
4. Notes of the last meeting: Thursday 15 September 2022, approved as minutes.
5. Matters arising: There is a vacancy for a parish clerk. The position will be advertised on the LALC website with the successful applicant commencing their duties in January, as an employee of FPC Responsibility: Cllr. Lack – update by 01 12 2022
6. Updates from LCC/SKDC: SKDC: Mr Hansen has resigned as Councillor (SKDC) – a by-election has been called for 15 December 2022. LCC: Cllr Hill confirmed that more money was being made available for adult care, from central government, but no allowance for inflation. The new Grantham bypass, first section,
should be open by the end of 2022 with full completion scheduled for 2024
7. Traffic calming: No issues raised

8. Playing Field:
Quotation accepted – waiting for installation date. FPC need to write a code governing usage, in line with legislation. Responsibility: Cllr. Weston Smith/Cllr. Clark – update by 01 12 2022
b. Pavilion
Running repairs to be carried out on the 27 Nov 2022 by members of the football club. Rental review to be carried out – contact to be made with club treasurer. Responsibility: Cllr. Lack update by 01 12 2022
c. Play equipment
Received quotation for repairs to step and roundabout. Second quotation to be sought Responsibility: Cllr. Pretty update by 01 12 2022
d. Allotments
Two plots with rent outstanding – contact to be made with tenants. Responsibility: Cllr. Robb update by 01 12 2022

9. Defibrillator: Both fully functional. Responsibility: Cllr. Pretty/Cllr Lack
10. Village Green: Installation by Christmas 2022. Responsibility: Cllr. Weston Smith by December

11. Planning: Cllr. Smith confirmed that the Environment and Planning Committee have had their first meeting.
a. Terms of reference

  1. To work with the Parish Council and public to conserve and enhance the natural and built environment of Folkingham and surrounding area, with the intention of making the village an attractive and desirable place to live and work in.
  2. To advise and make recommendations via Folkingham Parish Council to South Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council relating to Folkingham’s natural and built environment. This includes heritage, conservation, planning and highways, as well as areas such as rights of way, biodiversity and sustainable energy.
  3. On behalf of the Parish Council to liaise where appropriate with South Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council to benefit Folkingham’s natural and built environment.
  4. To develop medium and long term plans to protect and enhance the natural and built environment of Folkingham and surrounding area, working with the Parish Council, local authorities and public.
  5. To monitor planning applications within and close to Folkingham, and to comment and make recommendations to the Parish Council for submission to South Kesteven District Council.
  6. To increase awareness of, and interest in, Folkingham’s natural and built environment and related heritage and conservation issues working with local interest groups.

b. Applications
Applications to be reviewed and responded to as they are posted. All recommendations to be sent to FPC or discussed at FPC meetings before submission to SKDC.

c. Medium and Long Term Projects
Commitment to develop vision, design and neighbourhood plans for the village. MS already working on a draft Vision and Design Plan.

d Washdyke Farm Solar Park
Screening opinion to obviate need for a full environmental impact assessment. No objections given the small scale of the application. However, we would expect to see a Habitat Management Plan or Landscape Enhancement Plan to understand the full and longer term environmental and visual aspects. In principle, the development must be seen to be promoting biodiversity through further hedge planing and tree screening and managed wild flower pasture cultivation. ACTION: send comment to SKDC planning

e. Mill Cottage
Maintain vigilance on ownership and development of the site.

f. Next Meeting: January 2023

12. Finance:
a. Precept
Proposal carried to reduce the 2023/2024 precept to £10000
b. Internal Audit
LALC to be approached to carry out
c. To approve payments to be made – cheques signed

13. Correspondence: Grant approved for Children’s Christmas party. Website to be updated: Responsibility: Cllr. Smith
14. Confirm date of the next meeting: Thursday 19 January 2022
15. Closure