MINUTES September Meeting

Folkingham Parish Council


held on Thursday 16th September 2021

(This record of events is considered NOTES until approved as the MINUTES at the next PC Meeting)

1.            Welcome & Introductions

The meeting commenced at 19.30

The Chair (HWS) welcomed those present – Cllr Richard Clark (RC), Cllr Julie Watson Grant (JWG), Cllr Lucy Robb (LR), Cllr Anne Booth (AB) and Cllr Cath Lack (CL).  2 members of the public also joined the meeting.

Apologies – PCSO; Cllr Sturrock;               

2.            Declarations of Interest - There were no declarations of interest.            

3.            Public Questions

•             Footpath issues (also to be discussed in matters arising). The bottom end of the footpath, nearest to the church isn’t being cut.  RC to chase the contractors about the agreement.        


4.            Notes of 15th July 2021 Meeting

The notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th July 2021 were approved as the minutes. 


5.            Matters Arising

•             Grass cuttings etc. being thrown over fences onto the public footpath.  Cllr Lack to draft a letter to be emailed to councillors for approval before being sent out.  Fly tipping.

•             Very large skip was filled – very successful and well received.      

6.            Updates from SKDC/LCC

There were no updates available from Cllr J Hanson at SKDC

LCC – Cllr Hill:

•             Household Waste/Recycling: Booking no longer required – now open to all without appointment.  Large items can also be arranged for collection via SKDC for a charge.  There is talk of introducing a permit to avoid business users taking advantage.

•             Covid-19 – winter will be a challenge but hopefully not too bad.  Flu is also a concern. Hospitals struggling with coping with the backlog of appointments/waiting lists.  Grantham hospital consulting on changing to an urgent care centre and also improvements to the building

•             Social care announcement – NI going up, mostly going to NHS – solution promised for adult care as demand is rising.  Short term solution is rises to Council Tax but that isn’t a long term solution.  Care costs only, not residential but half of cost is residential which isn’t covered.  Staffing issues across the board – transport on school transport for example is a big issue.  District Council struggling with bin drivers and home care. 

•             West Street on schedule for resurfacing January is.  South end of A15 also an issue, Cllr Hill has persuaded highways to try a new system to smooth out this side of the road at least.

•             Bungalows off Billingborough Rd – issues with footpaths behind the bungalows.  District Council have now agreed to resolve the problem finally. 

Chair asked about West Street hedges causing an obstruction – is this SKDC?  Cllr Hill agreed.

Dead tree in the square? Planted at the wrong time of year?


7.            Playing Field

It was noted:

•             CCTV – will be installed soon. Cameras now purchased and waiting to be installed.  Signs to be ordered also

•             RoSPA Inspection:

  • Points system 1- 7 low, 8 -12 medium over 13 is Urgent.
  • Far gates (access) we need a chain
  • Wooden benches – 9 points timber is decayed apparently.  Can’t see any issue on inspection
  • Picnic tables need additional bolts and thread lock.  Screws are too short – 8 points
  • Signage – Big sign was overgrown – resolved now
  • No parking sign is broken so needs fixing – 6 points
  • Roundabout – clearance is too large.  Needs new hardcore and replace the matting.
  • Climbing wall – finger entrapment issue but even they acknowledge it can’t really be resolved.
  • Strimming damage again – monitor and perhaps spray?
  • Councillors to arrange to visit 26th September to walk round and inspect further.

•             All decisions about playground and any decisions made are based on the RoSPA report and shared via Cllr Robb

8.            Other Village Matters

It was noted:

•             Bench is damaged and needs replacing.  2 messages received about the bench being dangerous.  It is rotten and needs replacing.  3 others asking about putting further benches around the village for walkers. 

•             There are some in the churchyard – could they be used?  Need to ask and also check the H&S requirements of these.  Have had an offer of a purchase from a resident.  Need to decide where first.  Cllr Hill suggested that there may be a grant available.  Costs to be investigated.              

9.            Planning


•    Hollywell Cottage, Sleaford Rd – tree works

•    The Old Rectory, West St – renovate boundary walling (listed consent)


•    8 Market Place – listed building changes approved

•    8 Chapel Lane – Tree works approved     

10.         Finance

It was noted:

•    All payments and receipts were reviewed.

It was agreed:

•    All payments were approved.

•    Internal Auditor needed – Clerk to approach a couple of recommended individuals              

11.         Correspondence

•    Concerns about Family Day in church grounds received

•    Upset about the placing of the bouncy castle and dog show area – wires going across a grave.  Insensitive placing and also   safety concerns.  Person is aware PC have no power but asked for our support in flagging the concerns and upset to the church.  There are other places that could be used in the village.  Nice to see so many people in the churchyard.  Can a balance be found?

•    Eric Eve asked if he could comment – Chair gave permission for him to speak.

•    It is common ground.   Couldn’t use the rectory as insurance nor covered as was unoccupied. Permission was given that common ground can be used.  Assurance has been given to the families concerned that next time the location would be reconsidered. Bouncy castle was incorrectly located by the company concerned.  Apologies and assurances have been given for next year.              

12.         Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 18th November 2021 at 7.30pm in Folkingham Village Hall.  Members of the public may submit any questions in advance and are welcome to join the meeting – details will be posted on the website in advance of the meeting.            

13.         Close - There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:20       

Future Meetings:            


18th November 2021     


20th January 2022