Minutes of the meeting of Folkingham Parish Council held on 16th March 2023


Present:                              Cllr Catherine Lack (Chair), Cllr Lucy Robb, Cllr Anne Booth, Cllr Hannah Weston Smith, Cllr Martin Smith

Also Present:                     N Bush (Clerk), Cllr M Turner (SKDC)

Public Forum:                   Five members of the public


A member of the public asked about progress on the additional CCTV signage, as agreed in the January 2023 meeting, and commented on dog fouling by the entrance to the play area.  Councillors responded saying they are still awaiting the signs as they are to have the parish name on them.

It was also reported that some posts that support the fencing around the allotments have rotted away on the right-hand side and that the surround for the standpipe is also in a poor state. The condition of allotment nine was also reported.  In response, the Councillors arranged to have a meeting to assess the works and that action would be taken regarding plot nine.


Meeting started 7.30 pm


23/021 Chair’s remarks.  - None


23/022 Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr Nickey Pretty gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.


23/023 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.



23/024 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 17-01-23 and EO meeting held on 02-03-23 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


23/025 Matters Arising




23/026 Financial matters: accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 10-03-23.


Purpose of Expenditure

Total Amount


Wave – water bill



Folkingham Village Hall 2/03/23 & 16/03/23



C Hassett - Litter Picking 6 of 6



N Bush /HMRC- payroll






The clerk presented the accounts for payment, these were checked by Cllr MS.

The clerk advised that the LALC invoice for next year is due on 01-04-23 and asked for authorisation for this to also be paid.

It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. 


The Clerk reported that she has received a grant application from The New Inn with regards to a community event for the King’s coronation.

The applicant outlined the plans they have in place for the coronation which will be open to all of the residents.  This will include two music guests, free BBQ and a children’s Punch & Judy show.  In addition, they hope to raise funds to provide all the children in the village with a coronation memento. Some funding has already been raised.

As the current population of the village is just under 800 it was suggested that £750 be donated to equate to £1 per resident, however, it was questioned as to whether there was a limit on grants.  It was resolved that the clerk would look into this and report back to the councillors.


Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments and look into the limit on grants and only pay up to the maximum.


23/027 Planning:

S23/0415 – British Telecom - remove an existing ventilation louvre (ground floor) and installation of aluminium cowl (fixed to existing wooden frame)

Cllr HWS declared an interest in this application, due to location.

It was resolved that given the location there were no comments or concerns.


S23/0446 – Miller – Dene Bank, Chapel Lane, Folkingham - T1 weeping birch – remove to as close to the ground level as possible and treat stump to inhibit regrowth.

It was resolved that there were no comments or concerns.


Planning Decisions

Action: Clerk to pass comments onto the planning dept



23/028 Correspondence



Lincs Police

Email - December newsletter


Email - regarding unused allotments and interest in taking one on


Email - details of May elections and briefing sessions being held

Rural Services Network

Email - newsletters

Lincs Police

Email - newsletter


Email - weekly planning


Email - Interested in Becoming a District Councillor?


Email - available grant opportunities


Action: None.


23/029 Clerk’s Report.

Clerks Report

 Policies & Procedures

  • Drafted the following procedures:
    • Financial regulations - some areas to be discussed at next meeting.
    • Asset Register - part completed - investigation on other items required.
  • Policies and procedures discussed at EO meeting on 02/03/23 uploaded to the website

Internal Audit/Accounts

  • Recreated accounts for 2021-22 and 22-23 to date including bank reconciliation.
  • Registered with ICO - legal requirement.
  • Internal audit taking place on 10-03-23.
  • Direct debits set up with WAVE and ICO

Notifications of Change of Clerk

  • Notified LALC- received new login.
  • Requested login for website - received 13-02-23
  • Notified SKDC and updated Cllr’s names - DPI to be submitted.
  • Updated password and correspondence address for Wave (water supply)
  • Notified Western Power Distribution so cheques will be sent to the new address - confirmation received.
  • Notified planning department

Grass Cutting

  • Emailed J Kirby to confirm his tender has been accepted


The Clerk reported that J Kirby has asked about when we would like him to start.  As this was previously dealt with by a Cllr who has subsequently resigned, it was resolved that the clerk would contact Mr Kirby to discuss what the normal pattern of cutting is.

Action: Clerk to Contact J Kirby regarding the grass cutting frequency.




23/030 Updates from LCC/SKDC

Cllr M Turner reported that he is on the Governance and Audit Committee and has attended two full meetings; he has been receiving more enquiries from residents.


23/031 Policies and Procedures

  1. Adoption of financial regulations

As the cllrs have now had chance to review the full document it was resolved to adopt this policy

  1. Adoption of standing orders

As the cllrs have now had chance to review the full document it was resolved to adopt this policy

  1. Review of asset register

The asset register to date was reviewed and addition information passed to the clerk

ACTION: Clerk to upload adopted policies and to continue to work on the asset register.


23/032 Playing Field


As per the public forum we are still awaiting additional signage.  Cllr CL confirmed she has purchased the recommended monitor for the CCTV and this will shortly be set up by the CCTV installer, Stuart Searis. 



The guttering is bowed around the top and water is pouring through.  It was questioned as to whether the rent had been received and it was resolved that the clerk would look back and contact the football club. Cllr CL to send the clerk the contact details. It was resolved that a working party would assess requirements on Sunday 16th April 2023.


Play Area.

Cllr LR discussed the repairs required for the roundabout and agreed to obtain a quote from Martin Longland.

Cllr M Turner raised the SKDC prosperity fund and that this may contribute towards the repair for the roundabout



It was reported that plot nine has still not been cleared or tidied, despite previous communications with the tenant.  It was resolved that the clerk would serve the tenant with notice to state they were being given 30 days to improve the appearance of the plot or the tenancy agreement would be terminated.

It was reported that the tenant of Plot six has given notice and will return the keys once they have removed their shed.  It was resolved that the clerk would contact the resident at the top of the waiting list to offer them the tenancy.

ACTION: Clerk to offer tenancy of Plot six to the resident at the top of the list and send a 30-day notice to plot nine tenant.


23/033 Defibrillator

It was reported that the defibrillators are both in good working order and the battery replacement dates are being monitored.



23/034 Policy for Planning Responses:

Responses outside of FPC bi-monthly meetings

Consultation process

Responsibility for feedback and reporting


The Clerk outlined the process for consultation of planning applications outside of the normal meetings where it was not deemed necessary that an EO meeting needed to be called as per the dispensation within the standing orders.  A document was presented that is to be used to record feedback from residents and councillors which would then be fed back to SKDC



23/035 Social Media Policy:

Need for comms with electorate on topical issues (e.g. planning)

Creation of FPC Facebook page managed by clerk which follows LALC guideline

Used for planning issues, announcements, events etc.

Allied posting on Folkingham Friends & Families


It was discussed that although posts are placed on the website for the residents to access, this does not give a notification that a new posting has been made in the same way that Facebook does and so residents would only be aware if they searched the website.  It was resolved that the Clerk would look at setting up a Facebook page in line with LALC guidelines for the parish for the use of publishing notifications only, with commenting switched off.

ACTION: Clerk to set up Facebook page and review the communications procedure to include this at the next meeting.


23/036 Washdyke Solar Farm request for financial support:

To request that £1K is paid annually to support projects in line with common policy elsewhere.

Cllr MS reported that it is standard policy that solar farms of this scale put money back into the community.  The Washdyke Solar Farm has proposed a yearly payment of £5,000 which will be administered through the Poppin Club to whom people may apply for financial assistance, if facing hardship.

It was resolved that as the new clerk is unfamiliar with this project Cllr MS would draft a letter asking for a donation for the village and pass this to the Clerk to send to them.

ACTIONS: Cllr MS to draft letter to Washdyke Solar Farm for the clerk to then send out.


23/037 Other Village Matters.

Folkingham Feastival will take place on 15 July 2023.

Georgian Festival will take place on 20/21 May 2023 in the Market Place and Millennium Green.

The date for the village skip was agreed for 15th April 2023.

ACTIONS: Cllr HWS to order the skip.


23/038 Date & time of next meeting.

18th May 2023

Meeting Closed 9.03 pm



Signed:                                                                                               (In the chair)