Minutes of the meeting of Folkingham Parish Council held on 16th November 2023
Present: Cllr Catherine Lack, Cllr Anne Booth, Cllr Hannah Weston Smith, Cllr Nickey Pretty, Cllr Martin Smith.
Also Present: Nicky Bush (Clerk), Cllr Martin Hill (LCC)
Public Forum: 1 Resident
Public Forum
A resident highlighted a blocked drain by the entrance to the football field. Another resident spoke to Cllr N Pretty regarding the Billingborough sign being damaged and the noticeboard at the play area being in poor condition. It was agreed that the drain and road sign would be reported on Fix my street and that the noticeboard would be removed.
Meeting started 7.31 pm
23/100 Chair’s remarks. - Cllr C Lack welcomed everyone.
23/101 Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllrs L Robb, N Roe and M Turner gave apologies. It was resolved to accept the apologies.
23/102 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
- None
23/103 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 21-09-23 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
Cllr L Robb pointed out that the date and time of the next meeting was incorrect.This was amended and It was resolved to accept the above notes as minutes.They were confirmed and signed by the Chair.
23/104 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures, including report, up to 09.11.23.
Date |
Purpose of Expenditure |
Total Amount |
25/09/2023 |
BSH Recycling - Skip Hire 21/10/23 |
496.00 |
29/09/2023 |
Bank Charges - Sept 23 |
2.80 |
02/10/2023 |
LALC - Training N Roe |
30.00 |
03/10/2023 |
Smiths of Derby - Church Clock |
283.20 |
14/10/2023 |
John Kirby - Grass Cutting 15071 |
295.00 |
23/10/2023 |
C&J Supplies Ltd - Lock replacement |
97.20 |
04/11/2023 |
John Kirby - Grass Cutting 15073 |
183.00 |
16/11/2023 |
N Bush - PAYE |
300.00 |
16/11/2023 |
C Hasset Litter Picking Oct/Nov 23 |
169.00 |
Total |
1856.20 |
Bank Balance: £22,452.19
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment.
Action: Clerk to make outstanding payments.
23/105 Planning:
Cllr M Smith presented a leaflet that will be circulated to everyone in the village regarding proposals to put together a neighbourhood plan to gain interest from the residentsA budget of £50 was agreed to cover the cost of printing the leaflets.
Cllr MS also presented a map of trees within the Market Place and will assess the condition of each of these trees to see if any work needs to be done on them. Planning permission will be required before any works are carried out as they are in a conservation area. Other trees in the village will also be assessed as part of the process.
22/106 Correspondence
Rural Services Network |
Email - Newsletters |
Email - Weekly planning |
Lincs County Council |
Email - Newsletter |
Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance |
Email - Newsletter |
Email - Help with energy or food costs |
Lincs Reservoir |
Email - Further details on proposed reservoirs |
Call connect |
Email - Details of new booking app |
Ecolearn |
Email - Community food growing |
Email - Introduction of purple bins for paper and card |
Bourne Cycling |
Email - Information regarding Bourne cycle festival in July 24 |
Email - New street naming and numbering process |
Email - School admissions policy - Grantham, The King's School |
Bourne Festival
Cllrs agreed that the previous event was enjoyed by the residents and asked that the clerk reply to the email asking for details and updates on the event so that it can be promoted within the village.
Community food Growing
Following discussion, it was resolved that some space close to the allotments could be used for this project and that the clerk should contact them to get further information.
Police Team Meeting
Cllr N Pretty confirmed she will be attending the Police liaison meeting in December 2023. Antisocial behaviour, damage and the use of drugs in the Millenium Green was discussed and this will be raised at the meeting.
Action: Clerk to contact ecolearn regarding community food growing project and reply to the Bourne Cycling event email
22/107 Clerks report.
Ownership of land which Cherry trees are on
Lloyds Bank Account
Car Park
Street light
Grit Bin
Action: None
23/108 Updates from LCC/SKDC
Cllr Hill reported that there had been lots of flooding during the recent storm with 500 incidents of water within residential properties reported to Lincs County Council. Grants are being given towards repairs and prevention measures to avoid future flooding. He also reported that the Grantham bypass is proceeding and will be completed in early 2025.
Lincolnshire County council have a 10m underspend which has now been put into highways to improve roads and to do more preventative works. Lincs County Council are currently drafting a wind/solar farm policy where nothing below grade 3a land can be used and grade 3a land only being used where a small amount will give access to grade 3b land.
Cllrs raised the issue of lorries getting stuck on Greenfields Lane and Spring Lane and asked that Lincs County Council put up signage to say that the lanes are now suitable for heavy vehicles.
Action: None
22/109 Playing field
- Pavilion/CCTV
Cllr CL confirmed that a member of the Football club was due to attend the meeting to give an update on the club and that it appears that the club has stopped playing. The damaged lock to the club has been replaced so we do now have access to the CCTV.
Concerns were raised regarding whether the building is currently insured and it was resolved that Cllr Lack would ask the club and the clerk would speak to our current insurance company to establish what the additional cost would be to add it to the existing insurance.
As the club has not been able to pay the rent over the last couple of years it was resolved that a letter would be sent to the club giving them notice as per the lease agreement and the Council would then take over the building and its maintenance.
- Play area –
The progress on the roundabout repair was raised, however as Cllr L Robb was not present no update was available.
- Allotments – Nothing to report.
Action: Cllr Lack/Clerk to investigate the insurance for the pavilion. Clerk to write to the football club giving them notice.
22/110 Community Grant Application – Baby and toddler group
The clerk presented an application received from a resident regarding a grant request of £234 towards the running of the baby and toddler group at the village hall. Match funding has already been received. It was resolved that the Council would give the grant.
Action: Clerk to notify applicant and arrange for payment to be made
22/111 Budget for 2024-25
The Clerk presented a draft budget for discussion and discussed putting monies from the general reserve into earmarked funds as this had not been done over the past few years and would reduce budget expenses in the coming year.
It was resolved that the following amounts would be moved from the general reserve to the earmarked reserves.
£1,500 Election costs to provide for a contested election.
£2,000 Defibrillator replacement
£3,500 Play area equipment replacement
£1,500 Tree maintenance
£5,000 Pavilion maintenance
The Councillors then reviewed each line of the budget individually agreeing amounts required for each area of expenditure.
The resulting estimated precept requirement for 2024-25 being £12,172.51. It was resolved to request a precept amount of £12,200 for 2024-25
Action: Clerk to circulate the agreed budget and complete the precept request form
22/112 Bench base – Market Place
Following on from the quote received for concrete bases it was resolved that the original slab base would be installed instead of a concrete base. Cllrs will arrange for this to be installed.
Action: Cllrs to arrange installation of slabs for the bench to sit on
22/113 Christmas tree – Market Place
A budget of £300 was agreed to purchase a tree, lights, banner and to cover the cost of electricity for the lights for the Christmas tree.
Action: Cllr HWS to proceed with obtaining and setting up the tree and banner
22/114 Other village matters.
Meeting Closed 9.15 pm
Date of next meeting: 18 January 2023 7.30 pm
Signed: (In the chair)