Folkingham Parish Council
held on Thursday 19th November 2020
- Welcome & Introductions
The meeting commenced at 19.31
NB: During these unprecedented times of the Global Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting was held remotely via a web meeting – with each Cllr calling in from their own home. This had been communicated and members of the public invited to join and/or to submit questions in advance via telephone or email.
The Chair (HWS) welcomed those present at the web meeting – Cllr Richard Clark (RC), Cllr Lucy Robb (LR), Cllr Julie Watson Grant (JWG), Cllr Cath Lack (CL), Cllr Dean Sturrock (DS) and Cllr Anne Booth (AB). Cllr Martin Hill from LCC was also present. No members of the public joined the meeting.
Apologies – PCSO Bramwell
- Declarations of Interest - There were no declarations of interest.
- Public Questions
The Chair noted that no public questions had been submitted in advance and no members of the public were present.
- Notes of the last Council Meeting held on 17th September 2020 to be approved
The notes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting held on 17th September 2020 were approved as the minutes.
- Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
- Updates from SKDC/LCC
There were no updates available from Cllr J Hansen (SKDC).
Cllr Hill (LCC) provided the following update:
- Focus continues to be Covid-19 dominated – focusing on frontline services. Most things staying open. Tips open – booking online but operating. Booking service working well – no queuing.
- Supporting community and NHS – 800,000 care home beds signed off for those discharged from hospital. No release if positive tested, beds purchased for an entire building to be dedicated to covid-19 patients. Support volunteers available – see LC Council website for more details.
- New Town and Parish Council websites have had some teething issues – getting there. Platform is free but running is FPC responsibility. Old website will disappear at the end of December.
- £45m for corona support from government. Extra social care costs too. Think it will be enough. Reasonably well placed financially – fairer funding still needs to be supported.
- No devolution this time around but working with other councils to see what future might hold.
- Traffic Calming Update
It was noted:
- The 30 mph passive speed signs have been removed from the A15 and have been down for some time.
- It is likely that future rotations will alternate between West Street, Walcot Lane and the main A15/Market Place.
It was agreed:
- Signs will be replaced asap
- Playing Field
It was noted:
- Following the RoPSA safety report, the following work has recently been completed on the playground:
- Litter bin moved away from entrance
- Bushes cut back from sign near main entrance
- Picnic bench fixed
- Strimmer damage – Wicksteed said it shouldn’t affect structural integrity – but will need to be painted with preservative
- Grass matting – roundabout – shouldn’t have been installed that way, LR asked why but no response atm. Long term solution expensive £2400 for rubber matting. To be investigated further
- Swing – a score of over 12 is considered high risk so work on the Toddler swing is urgent. £2,500 estimate for a new one and old one should be removed for safety. A new one would be a good investment for the village.
- Following repeated incidences of vandalism, theft and ASB in the previous 12 months FPC will now consider installing CCTV. RFFC are supportive of adding cameras to their existing CCTV system on the pavilion – suggestion is for a cameras facing entrance, allotments, and playground.
Following a brief discussion the following was voted on and agreed:
- Creative play to be instructed to carry out the work for a new toddler swing – vote carried unanimously.
- CCTV to be investigated further – RC to action by January
- Grass Cutting
- A quote has been requested regarding including the bottom of the footpath in the usual schedule.
Following a brief discussion it was agreed:
- Cllr Clark to contact Streetwise Environmental regarding footpath
- Allotments
It was noted:
- A plot recently became available but is now tenanted.
- Invoices for 2021 are due to be sent out in December. Rent has been £30 p.a since pre 2015. Do the council wish to review the rent for 2021?
Following a brief discussion it was agreed:
- Following a unanimous vote it was agreed to increase the rent by £1.50 per quarter - £6 per year, making an annual tenancy £36 per year.
- Village Green
It was noted:
Wooden posts – on GH list of things to do
Some trees need attention
- Questions have been asked by resident:
- Lights outside Greyhound – have been replaced with white light (over yellow) SKDC are replacing with LEDs – because Folkingham is a conservation area could they not be replaced with sodium?
- Commercial vans parking overnight in Market Place.
- (MH) LCC Highways will be in Folkingham in January – any issues to report ASAP to highways please
It was agreed:
- Cllr Weston Smith to speak to Aswarby sawmill about replacement or repair of posts
- Cllr Weston Smith to try to find out more about lighting
- There are no regulations about commercial vehicles so without a byelaw nothing to be done. Cllr Hill to investigate the rules further.
- Planning
It was noted:
- S20/1877 – Listed Building Consent requested for replacement windows at 14 Market Place
- S20/1684 – Conservatory request on side of 7 Bourne Rd
- S20/1338 – Permission granted for a new vehicle field entrance next to Mill House
- S20/1418 – Permission granted for replacement windows at 1 Tannery Lane
- There is a page on the website regarding planning applications and outcomes. The page also contains a link to the SKDC planning portal for easy searching of applications
Discussions were had about a local plan for the village. There are 754 Local Plans in total. Local villages could expect 1 new house per year approx. Keeping the look of villages appropriate.
- Finance
It was noted:
- All payments and receipts were reviewed.
- 2 grant applications:
- Elf Drop - £250 for presents for Folkingham children in lieu of the usual annual Christmas party
- £500 requested towards essential repair works on the church bells
It was agreed:
- All payments were approved.
- Grant applications:
- Approved unanimously
- Approved unanimously
- Training Update
The Clerk continues to circulate training dates available to all Councillors. Some training is now available online.
It was noted:
- The Clerk recently attended extensive online training on the new Parish Councils website platform being implemented by LCC. The work required to move to the new website is extensive as it is not possible to simply migrate the existing content to the new platform – every piece of information must be manually transferred and existing .pdf documents must be embedded as text. The Clerk advised that the new website will be significantly improved and easier to maintain once the work is done, but that it will take some time before it is ready to launch as she is currently only able to manage an hour per week focussed on the website work, on top of other FPC duties. The site needs to be migrated by the end on the year and we are on target to achieve this.
All Cllrs
- Correspondence
- Request that FPC fund the village hall fees for M&T group – await response from M&T group
- Tree work in market place to include new guards. Arranged by LCC.
- CORONOVIRUS: Please let us know if you require any support or you are offering any support that you would like us to communicate. The Clerk will update the website as frequently as necessary with information on the Covid-19 support available.
- Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 21st January 2021 at 7.30pm. Please note that it is highly likely that this meeting will also be held remotely – members of the public may submit any questions in advance and are welcome to join the virtual meeting –details will be posted on the website a few days in advance of the meeting.
- Close - There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:34
Future Meetings:
- 21st January 2021 – 7.30pm
Provisional: 2021 dates TBC