January 2020 Minutes

Folkingham Parish Council MINUTES OF the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 16th January 2020 

1) Welcome & Acting Chair’s Remarks
The meeting commenced at 19.30. Acting Vice-Chair Cllr. Lucy Robb (LR) welcomed those present and explained that she would be chairing the meeting in the absence of Acting Chair Cllr. Richard Clark.
FPC Cllrs Julie Watson-Grant (JWG), Dean Sturrock (DS), Anne Booth (AB) and Cath Lack (CL) were also present, along with the Clerk (EW), and 3 members of the public.
2) Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr. Richard Clark. Cllr. Hannah Weston Smith remains on leave until at least March 2020.
3) Declarations of Interest - There were no declarations of interest.
4) Public Questions - There were no questions from the public.
5) Notes of the Parish Meeting held on 5th December 2019
The notes of the Parish meeting were approved as the minutes with no amendments.
6) Matters Arising - There were no matters arising.
7) Updates from LCC/SKDC
As neither Cllr. Hill nor Cllr. Hansen were present there were no updates from LCC or SKDC.
8) Traffic Calming Update
It was noted:
a) The 30 mph passive speed signs have been moved and will now be in situ in their new locations for several weeks.
b) It is likely that future rotations will alternate between West Street, Walcot Lane and the main A15/Market Place.
9) Playing Field
It was noted:
 Minor repair works are still required on some of the Play Equipment following the RoSPA inspection.
It was agreed:
 Clerk to investigate who did the works last year. Cllr. Robb to ask Phil’s Gardening Services if this option was not possible.
10) Grass Cutting
It was noted:
 It was reported that the playing field had an unexpected cut in January resulting in the football pitch needing to be marked again and some damage from the machinery.
It was agreed:
 Clerk to enquire about the number and timing of cuts with the contractor.
11) Allotments
It was noted:
 The tenant of plot 8 had given notice in December. The first person on the waiting list has been contacted and will take over the tenancy this week. All plots are now tenanted.
 1 person is on the waiting list for the next available plot.
 Invoices for 2020 rent had been sent out this week. In an attempt to reduce paper/ink costs and administration time, the Clerk had sent invoices by email to those with an email address on file and delivered by hand to those who don’t. The Clerk had advised all those emailed that a paper copy can be provided if the tenant prefers.
 The Clerk advised that allotment rent has remained at £30 per year for well over 5 years and suggested a review of 2021 rents at the end of the calendar year to reflect recent maintenance costs.
It was agreed:
a) To review 2021 Allotment rent in November 2020.
12) Village Green - Nothing to report
13) Folkingham Flyer
It was noted:
a) Cllr Clark has a New Year edition in draft. Cllr Lack to assist in production and publication.
It was agreed:
a) All Councillors and the Clerk to provide a piece for publication. Photographs particularly welcome.
14) Planning
It was noted:
 S19/2201 – Application for demolition of bungalow and erection of 3 dwellings and creation of additional access on West Street/Walcot Lane junction. No concerns or comments had been raised from residents regarding this application. Councillors had viewed the application and conducted a brief sharing of views.
 The Clerk has added a new page to the website for planning applications and outcomes. The page also contains a link to the SKDC planning portal for easy searching of applications.
It was agreed:
 As no concerns or comments had been raised from residents regarding application S19/2201 and following a brief discussion amongst Councillors, no Parish Council comments will be submitted regarding the application at this stage.
15) Finance
It was noted:
 The Clerk has applied for the 2020-21 precept of £11,000
 All payments and receipts were reviewed.
 Nor further correspondence has been received from either FVH or St Andrew’s Church regarding their grant applications.
It was agreed:
a) All payments be approved.
16) Training Update
Cllrs Weston Smith and Clark attended Councillor training on 18th September and found it very valuable. Cllr Weston Smith had asked the other Councillors to consider their availability and arrange a booking via the Clerk.
It was noted that this is particularly important given the 2 recent DSAR requests. The Clerk reminded those present that training dates are always listed on the final page of the LALC Newsletter circulated by email.
All Cllrs
17) Correspondence
 Lincolnshire County Council currently host the Parish Council website. The Clerk has received correspondence that all PC websites are due to be upgraded by LCC to ensure they are mobile friendly and are up to date with accessibility requirements. The aim is that all current sites will be shut down by 30 April 2020 but only when we are happy that the new one is ready. Training and access to new sites will be available throughout March. The Clerk will need to attend this training.
 One Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) from a resident had been completed within deadline in December. In early January the Council had received further correspondence from the applicant regarding the information provided; the Council had responded to this correspondence, apparently to the satisfaction of the resident.
 Several members of the Council and the Clerk are working with the SKDC’s Monitoring Officer and Legal Department regarding 2 complaints - one from FPC and the other against FPC.
18) Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 19th March 2020 at 7.30pm
It was agreed that:
 Notes will be published within 28 working days of the meeting
 The Agenda will be published at least 3 full working days in advance of the next meeting
 Items to be added to the agenda must be provided to the Clerk no later than 7 days before the meeting.
19) Close
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:54
Future Meetings:
Confirmed: 19th March 2020 – 7.30pm
21st May – Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm, followed by PC Meeting
9th July – 7.30pm
17th September – 7.30pm
19th November – 7.30pm