September 2020 Minutes

Folkingham Parish Council


held on Thursday 17th September 2020



  1. Welcome & Introductions

The meeting commenced at 19.30

NB: During these unprecedented times of the Global Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting was held remotely via a web meeting – with each Cllr calling in from their own home.  This had been communicated and members of the public invited to join and/or to submit questions in advance via telephone or email.

The Chair (HWS) welcomed those present at the web meeting – Cllr Richard Clark (RC), Cllr Lucy Robb (LR), Cllr Julie Watson Grant (JWG), Cllr Cath Lack (CL), Cllr Dean Sturrock (DS) and Cllr Anne Booth (AB).  No members of the public joined the meeting.

Apologies – PCSO Bramwell


  1. Declarations of Interest - There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Public Questions

The Chair noted that no public questions had been submitted in advance and no members of the public were present to ask questions.


  1. Notes of the last Council Meeting held on 9th July 2020 to be approved

The notes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting held on 9th July 2020 were approved as the minutes.


  1. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


  1. Updates from SKDC/LCC

There were no updates available from Cllr J Hansen (SKDC) or Cllr M Hill (LCC).


  1. Traffic Calming Update

It was noted:

  1. The 30 mph passive speed signs have been removed from the A15 and have been down for some time.
  2. It is likely that future rotations will alternate between West Street, Walcot Lane and the main A15/Market Place.

It was agreed:

  1. Signs will be replaced asap






  1. Playing Field

It was noted:

  1. A RoPSA safety report has recently been completed on the playground and identified the following issues:
    1. Far gates need to be padlocked following the vandalism in early lockdown to stop the gates swinging.
    2. Litter bin needs to be 2m from gate
    3. Damaged picnic table is a risk – someone has removed the warning tape
    4. Roundabout – clearance from ground is incorrect, must have shifted as was OK last year.
    5. Climbing wall – finger entrapment risk. Have regulations changed as this wasn’t a risk previously?
    6. Slide – surface holes in ground
    7. Toddler swing – swing itself, bushels/shackles need replacing (FPC already aware and action in progress) but timber frame now also needs replacing. Grant of £250 received from Cllr Hill towards costs.
    8. Strimmer damage to bottom of frames on several pieces of equipment, this is causing damage and rot – can either dig around the post and fill with sand and mortar or replace and protect posts.  Perhaps need to consider metal for future maintenance and prevention.
  2. Following repeated incidences of vandalism, theft and ASB in the previous 12 months FPC will now consider installing CCTV.  RFFC are supportive of adding cameras to their existing CCTV system on the pavilion – suggestion is for a cameras facing entrance, allotments, and playground.
  3. Rent from RFFC for the Pavilion for 2019 and 2020 has now been received.

Following a brief discussion the following was voted on and agreed:

  1. Wicksteed Playgrounds to be contacted for further advice – obtain a quote to replace swing and fix all the issues.
    1. Padlock has already been purchased – need a strong chain.
  2. Investigate costs involved in installing CCTV cameras.













  1. Grass Cutting


  1. The bottom of the footpath between Churchfields and Wilkie Drive needs some attention.
  2. Area at front of the old school building needs tidying up – starting to affect the footpath.

Following a brief discussion it was agreed:

  1. Cllr Clark to contact Streetwise Environmental regarding footpath
  2. Cllrs to tidy up the area in front of the old school building






  1. Allotments

It was noted:

  1. 1 person is on the waiting list for the next available plot.
  2. All plots look really well maintained.




  1. Village Green 

It was noted:

  1. Wooden posts near Quaintways need attention
  2. Provision of a village skip in October is now safe but will need ‘policing.

It was agreed:

  1. Cllr Weston Smith to speak to Aswarby sawmill about replacement or repair of posts
  2. Get biggest skip we can to make up for not having one in April.  Last weekend in October to fit with end of half term holiday (31st October)







  1. Folkingham Flyer

It was noted:

  1. Cllr Clark has an edition in draft.  Cllr Lack to assist in production and publication.  It had been suggested that perhaps FPC could contact Tony Buchan of The Voice to see if it is possible to include a double paged spread from FPC within an edition of The Voice, though The Voice is currently only available online.

It was queried whether there is an urgent need to create content and news given the current climate?  The question was raised whether it would it be better to wait until the New Year and include news on the playground improvements etc.

It was agreed:

  1. Aim for a New Year publication





  1. Planning

It was noted:

  1. S20/0558 – 2 story dwelling on Low Farm Drive submitted – planning permission granted
  2. S20/1418 – Listed Building Consent requested for replacement timber windows at the rear of 1 Tannery Lane
  3. S20/1338 – Planning permission requested for a new vehicle field entrance next to Mill House
  4. There is a page on the website regarding planning applications and outcomes.  The page also contains a link to the SKDC planning portal for easy searching of applications





  1. Finance

It was noted:

  1. All payments and receipts were reviewed.

It was agreed:

  1. All payments were approved.





  1. Training Update

The Clerk continues to circulate training dates available to all Councillors.  Some training is now available online.

It was noted:

  1. The Clerk recently attended extensive online training on the new Parish Councils website platform being implemented by LCC.  The work required to move to the new website is extensive as it is not possible to simply migrate the existing content to the new platform – every piece of information must be manually transferred and existing .pdf documents must be embedded as text.  The Clerk advised that the new website will be significantly improved and easier to maintain once the work is done, but that it will take some time before it is ready to launch as she is currently only able to manage an hour per week focussed on the website work, on top of other FPC duties.

Following a discussion a voted it was agreed:

  1. In order to speed up the process of launching the new website, the Clerk should log additional hours spent on the website work and claim those at her agreed hourly rate.


All Cllrs







  1. Correspondence


  1. The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) have advised that whilst PC meetings are exempt from the new 6 person rule if absolutely necessary, those councils who are able to hold virtual meetings should continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
  2. Confirmation that FPC’s certification of exemption for annual audit has been received and accepted had been received by the Clerk.
  3. CORONOVIRUS:  Please let us know if you require any support or you are offering any support that you would like us to communicate.  The Clerk will update the website as frequently as necessary with information on the Covid-19 support available.



  1. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 19th November 2020 at 7.30pmPlease note that it is highly likely that this meeting will also be held remotely – members of the public may submit any questions in advance and are welcome to join the virtual meeting –details will be posted on the website a few days in advance of the meeting.



  1. Close - There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:11


Future Meetings:

  •   19th November – 7.30pm

Provisional: 2021 dates TBC