July 2020 Minutes

Folkingham Parish Council


held on Thursday 9th July 2020



  1. Welcome & Introductions

The meeting commenced at 19.32

NB: During these unprecedented times of the Global Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting was held remotely via a web meeting – with each Cllr calling in from their own home.  This had been communicated and members of the public invited to join and/or to submit questions in advance via telephone or email.

The Chair (HWS) welcomed those present at the web meeting – Cllr Richard Clark (RC), Cllr Lucy Robb (LR), Cllr Watson Grant (JWG), Cllr Lack (CL), Cllr Booth (AB) and LCC Cllr Martin Hill (MH).  3 members of the public also joined the meeting, who were thanked for taking the time to join.

Members of the public were advised of the requirement to remain muted unless invited to speak and requested that at Public Questions, they should indicate a wish to speak by raising a hand or typing their question in the chat function.

Apologies – There were no apologies for absence.


  1. Declarations of Interest - There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Public Questions

The Chair noted that a public question had been submitted in advance but first invited members of the public who had joined the meeting to ask questions.

  1. Overgrown Hedges (By Email in advance)


The footpath on one side of West Street is more than half blocked by hedges which have not been trimmed for a number of years. There are also a number of briars/brambles which are quite dangerous especially at night. In these times of distance spacing one would like to have the use of both footpaths.  The offending hedges stretch from the Old Rectory right up to the start of the old estate cottages.  I understand that it is difficult to get hedges cut while birds are still nesting, but I would appreciate it if the matter could be raised at the next meeting.


NB: I did advise the person concerned that there was a planning application pending for some tree/hedge removal at the Old Rectory (this has since been approved).  This also does not cover the full area of concern.


Owners will be approached and asked about cutting back the hedges concerned.

Cllr Sturrock joined the meeting at 19.42









  1. Notes of the last Council Meeting held on 21st May 2020 to be approved

The notes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting held on 21st May 2020 were approved as the minutes.


  1. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


  1. Updates from SKDC/LCC

Cllr Hill offered the following update:

Busy – Covid-19 preoccupied us a lot.  Libraries & tips gradually re-opening – booking system will continue beyond lockdown as it has been so successful.  Certain days are for certain types of waste

Important services have continued as normal

Vulnerable people needing extra care have been offered extra support

Community support grants available if required – not specifically for coronavirus.  Apply online

Highways has continued – surface dressing.  New team doing a very good job (they live together to maintain a bubble) Local teams working across county – in January next year mop up jobs will be continued in this area.

Correspondence – Mr Willis has been in touch regarding lorries on road causing noise. Road needs a complete re-surface will hopefully be done next year with new tarmac.

At 19:43 it was noted that Cllr Hansen (SKDC) appeared to have joined the virtual meeting as his name appeared on screen.  He was invited to unmute his microphone and offer an update from SKDC but did not respond.


  1. Traffic Calming Update

It was noted:

  1. The 30 mph passive speed signs have been removed from the A15 and have been down for some time.
  2. It is likely that future rotations will alternate between West Street, Walcot Lane and the main A15/Market Place.

It was agreed:

  1. Apologies were given for the delay in replacing the signs.  They will go up within the next 2 weeks on West Street, Walcot Lane and Churchfields Road. 






  1. Playing Field

It was noted:

  1. Rent is still outstanding for the Pavilion from 2019 and 2020.   The Clerk has sent Pete Stanton another invoice for pavilion rent and a request for a water meter reading.
  2. A request to run outdoor Yoga classes on the playing field had been received. 
  3. Football team have received a grant to mow the grass themselves with a ride on mower.  Need details of this to understand how it affects
  4. Toddler swing needs replacing - £240 -£290 to replace it.  A Grant could be applied for via Cllr Hill via LCC website – community grant

Following a brief discussion it was agreed:

  1. Cllr Clark to chase rent for the pavilion
  2. Yoga approved at a charge of £5 per session.  Agreement in writing to be drawn up.
  3. Cllr Clark to obtain more details on how the grass cutting arrangements will need to change if RFFC are to mow the field themselves
  4. Outstanding work on the playground still to be completed.  Grant to be applied for











  1. Grass Cutting

Nothing further to report.



  1. Allotments

It was noted:

  1. 9 out of 10 rents for 2020 have been received. On chasing the 10th it transpired the tenant wanted to give notice.  This plot has now been allocated to the person at the top of the list with rent paid.
  2. 1 person is on the waiting list for the next available plot.
  3. All plots look really well maintained.




  1. Village Green 


Nothing to report


  1. Folkingham Flyer

It was noted:

  1. Cllr Clark has an edition in draft.  Cllr Lack to assist in production and publication.  It had been suggested that perhaps FPC could contact Tony Buchan of The Voice to see if it is possible to include a double paged spread from FPC within an edition of The Voice, though The Voice is currently only available online.

It was agreed:

  1. All Councillors and the Clerk to provide a piece for publication.  Photographs particularly welcome.  Communications committee to decide on the way forward.






  1. Planning

It was noted:

  1. S20/0798 – proposed 2m extension and garage conversion at 60 Churchfields Rd allowed as permitted development
  2. S20/0809 – removal of hedging at The Old Rectory approved 6/7/20
  3. S20/0558 – 2 story dwelling on Low Farm Drive submitted – decision awaited
  4. The Clerk has added a new page to the website for planning applications and outcomes.  The page also contains a link to the SKDC planning portal for easy searching of applications





  1. Finance

It was noted:

  1. All payments and receipts were reviewed.
  2. A Community grant application for the purchase of new books for the Folkingham Baby & Toddler Group to the amount of £160 has been received and circulated to councillors.

It was agreed:

  1. All payments were approved.
  2. The Grant application was unanimously approved.







  1. Training Update

The Clerk continues to circulate training dates available to all Councillors.  Some training is now available online.

The LCC training for the new FPC website that the Clerk was due to attend on 30 March has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  The Clerk awaits further updates. 


All Cllrs

  1. Correspondence


  1. CORONOVIRUS:  Please let us know if you require any support or you are offering any support that you would like us to communicate.  The Clerk will update the website as frequently as necessary with information on the Covid-19 support available.

As Cllr Hansen still appeared to be in the meeting he was again invited to speak to offer an update from SKDC but there was no response.



  1. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 17th September 2020 at 7.30pm.  Please also note that it is highly likely that this meeting will also be held remotely – members of the public may submit any questions in advance.


  1. Close - There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:19


Future Meetings:

  •   17th September – 7.30pm

Provisional: 19th November – 7.30pm