March 2020 Minutes
Folkingham Parish Council MINUTES OF the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 19th March 2020 |
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The meeting commenced at 19.30 During these unprecedented times of the Global Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting was held remotely via a web meeting – with each Cllr calling in from their own home. This had been communicated and members of the public invited to submit questions in advance via telephone or email. The Acting Chair asked for it to be noted that Cllr Hannah Weston Smith will be on leave until at least May 2020. Until her return, as Vice-Chair he will take the role of Acting Chair. Cllr Lucy Robb will continue in the role of Acting Vice Chair Acting Chair Cllr Richard Clark (RC), welcomed those present at the webmeeting. FPC Cllrs Lucy Robb (LR), Dean Sturrock and Cath Lack (CL) were also present, along with the Clerk (EW). |
There were no questions from the public. |
The notes of the Parish meeting held on 16th January 2020 were approved as the minutes. |
No update was available from Cllr Jan Hansen of SKDC Cllr Hill (LCC) kindly provided an update electronically as follows: Coronavirus is currently a major issue for the council and we are daily receiving extra requests from government to help with this challenging agenda, for example contacting thousands of vulnerable people who are cared for informally and reorganising school transport for children of key workers at short notice. We are working out how to keep providing services with absent staff with illness etc. Which will probably require some prioritisation. I am doing a daily Facebook update at 4pm with the CX and all details are on our website
As part of the council budget which was agreed last month, we are putting extra money into Highways. In particular for new teams who will be tasked with going round the county picking up those issues which are currently being missed through routine reactive maintenance. So, for example Folkingham parish will get regular visits which initially will deal with minor stuff on the long waiting list. Also, we are more flood response capacity so that minor flood problems are addressed and landowners are chased up to keep important water courses maintained properly. It will be helpful if the parish council makes sure that issues are reported on our system, so that they are on record.
Locally, there has been an issue with damage to Spring Lane due to a lorry going down there and nearly getting stuck allegedly due to satnav! Highways are looking into this.
Finally, I will send the latest version of LCC’s monthly parish newsletter in case you have not seen it. As always, if you have issues please let me know. |
It was noted:
It was noted:
It was agreed:
EW |
It was noted: The Clerk had received a query from a resident asking who is responsible for cutting an area of grass at the top end of Wilkie Drive. It was agreed: Cllr. Clark to look at the email and investigate further. |
RC |
It was noted:
It was agreed:
EW |
Nothing to report |
It was noted:
It was agreed:
It was noted:
It was noted:
It was agreed:
The village skip usually arranged for around the time of the Easter Holiday was also discussed. It was unanimously agreed that it would not be appropriate for this to go ahead given the current advice and restrictions. It will be postponed until at least the end of May 2020 |
EW |
The Clerk continues to circulate training dates available to all Councillors The LCC training for the new FPC website that the Clerk was due to attend on 30 March has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The Clerk awaits further updates. |
All Cllrs |
EW |
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 21st May 2020 at 7.00pm. Please note the earlier start as it is the Annual Parish Meeting. Please also note that it is highly likely that this meeting will also be held remotely – members of the public should submit any questions in advance. It was agreed that:
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:59 |
Future Meetings: